
Grand final of INST 2024

The Tournament consists of 2 rounds: the Extramural round and the Grand Final.

This year Extramural round and Grand Final problems are published below.

To participate in the Extramural round the team (3–5 students + coach) should send solutions to two out of three Extramural round problems before May 12, 2024 (first wave), and June 16, 2024 (second wave) via the account on this website. Please pay attention to the instructions included in the file with the problems.

Propose your idea of the problem

Have your own idea of the problem? You can develop and offer it by filling the special form (accessible via the provided link below). If your problem is accepted, many chemists, physicists, doctors, biologists, and engineers will be trying to solve it during upcoming Tournaments.

Problems of the previous tournaments

You may see the problems of the previous Tournaments below.